Having a set plan of what you hope to achieve and distinguishing organized steps on how to get there, can make all the difference. So where do you start to create your social media strategy?


First, it’s important to know the purpose of your social media strategy and understand how media marketing works. Social media marketing is when you use social media platforms and social networks to market your brand.

With that said, it’s clear that social media marketing is used as a means of creating brand awareness, advertising, performance tracking, and providing customer service. With all these potential advantages, not implementing social media marketing into your business strategy could hinder your brand’s success. Your social media strategy should outline what goals you set out to achieve, how you will go about achieving them, and what metrics will be used to measure your progress.


1.Creating Specific Goals That Align with Major Business Objectives:

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R – Relevant
  • T – Time-Bound

Following this framework will help you with creating realistic goals that can be measured within a specific time frame. This way, you can track your progress effectively and most importantly, track for areas of improvement.

Sometimes a lot of likes on a post doesn’t particularly mean your brand is doing well. Look for metrics, such as saves, likes, shares, comments, how long a viewer spent watching your video, how long social media users are spending on your website, and more.


2.Defining Your Target Audience:

Create a customer profile questionnaire that includes the following inquiries:

  • How old is my customer?
  • What does my customer do for a living?
  • How much does my customer make yearly?
  • Where does my customer live?
  • What are my customers’ values?
  • What does my customer do as a hobby?


3.Get to Know Your Social Platforms:

Quality is better than quantity, so pick a handful of social platforms that you would like to focus on and create detailed strategies on them. By knowing what each group of users want and like to see on each platform, you can effectively reach your goals.


4.Staying Organized and Consistent:

Staying organized and consistent should be the main part of your social media strategy, as when and how often you post make a great difference. This is something that can be done with a little trial and error to see what your audience engages with the most and what time during the day are they most active on their social platforms.