For most people, the abbreviation SEO (search engine optimization) is mainly associated with finding relevant keywords. However, keyword research is only one aspect type of SEO.

At Mark Digital Media we strongly recommend using more than one type of optimization if you want to drive targeted traffic to your website.

There are three types of SEO you need to help your site rank for your target keywords: on-page SEO, technical SEO, and off-page SEO.

It becomes much easier to implement your optimization strategy successfully, once you familiarise yourself with the three main SEO categories.

In this blog post, we will explain how your business can benefit from using these SEO strategies.

1. On-page SEO

On-site SEO is probably the most common type of optimization. It encompasses everything that your visitors see when they find your website. In other words, the first thing your potential clients pay attention to is content.

High-quality relevant content is the foundation of successful on-page SEO. Your content should not only be interesting but must also give solutions to the problems, which no other websites are addressing. 

However, apart from relevant content, numerous aspects are related to a webpage’s ranking in search engine results. Keywords play a crucial role when it comes to SEO. Therefore, if you want to create a high-ranking blog post answering questions related to a certain subject, you will need to use a lot of relevant keywords and phrases. Besides, these keywords need to be properly optimized.

If you want your blog post to rank high in search engines, you need to include your keyword in the title, URL, heading, first paragraph, and at least one sub-heading on your webpage. Plus you need to ensure that your keywords are focused on one particular subject matter. 

However, on-page SEO extends further than simply cramming relevant keywords into your blog post.

The major part of SEO optimization is centered around the visitor, not the machine, so it’s essential to make your content helpful and captivating at the same time.

2. Off-page SEO

Defining the term ‘off-page SEO’ is a little more complicated. The most important as well as one of the most difficult off-page SEO components is link building. 

The process of obtaining hyperlinks from other websites (also classified as ‘backlinks’) to your website to improve search engine ranking is referred to as link building.

Acquiring backlinks helps attract more visitors to your website and demonstrates to search engines that your content is valued by others on the internet and that your site is authoritative.

Obtaining links from authoritative sites can significantly improve your website ranking. Although it may be hard to quantify the effect of a specific link, it is reasonable to assume that obtaining a high-quality backlink will positively affect your ranking. 

Social networking is another tool that can have a significant impact on your SEO. If talking about your content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other media platforms, search engines interpret that as a sign of high-quality content and help more people find it. Having a piece of content that is popular on social media platforms will bring you many new visitors and benefit your SEO.

Establishing positive relationships with influencers, columnists, public figures, and website owners is one of the most popular off-page SEO methods. Commenting on Quora and relevant forums can also be beneficial.

Therefore, off-page SEO is not only about your website content, but also about your presentation skills and authority as a content creator.

3. Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website’s technical features to improve its ranking in search engines.

Website and server configurations (page elements, internal links, HTTP header responses, XML sitemaps, redirects, structured data, etc.) are essential components of technical SEO.  

Another important aspect is increasing the website loading speed by using fast hosting, compressing files, limiting redirects, enabling the browser cache, and configuring server settings.  

Google gives a minor ranking boost to pages that pass their Core Vitals Test. Core Web Vitals are metrics that assess a site visitor’s user experience. You can establish a positive user experience on your website by increasing user engagement and making interaction with your content as simple as possible. 

One thing you can do to improve the convenience of your website is to make your website mobile-friendly by optimizing existing pages and removing extra icons. It will positively affect your page rankings and increase customer retention rates. 

At Mark Digital Media, we implement all three types of SEO optimization to improve your search engine ranking and maximize your chances of attracting relevant traffic to your website.